My Middle Child

Today is my middle childs birthday, all day long, Hijole, it’s almost too late too make a public announcement: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS a mi Ben chico, also known as Emery. Pero no esta tan chiquito, he’s 27.

Psalms 127:3 says “children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Y asi es, I’ve been incredibly rewarded with my 4 kids and overflowing blessing with 8 grandkids. Solo Dios sabe si vienen mas, pero, yo sigo adelante,  praying for that kind of increase. Quizas otra nietecita o nietecito? 

Ahora por ser dia de su cumpleaños, I want to talk about my middle child. Dicen por hay that  there are certain traits associated with “the middle child.” Es verdad,  my own personal “research and investigation” mostly comparing notes with other moms, and a quick search which highlighted up to 12 or more traits that stand out. Here’s a few that my middle child exhibits:

Middle Child Traits:

Social butterfly: That’s Emery Greene, he’s a pretty good conversationalist. He has good rapport with his buddies and siblings and even with his ma, that would be me. 

Thrives on friendship– yup, friendship helps fuel Emery. He is a loyal and loving friend. In a healthy sort of way he clings to the gift of friends God has given him. Mi hijo is a good friend, and appreciates his good friends. Imaginate! He has called me his friend and I love him for it. So glad to be a part of his circle of friends.

Generous. He’s even willing to share his Hot Cheetos, which says a lot about his sacrificial giving.

Empathetic- I’m not sure how deep empathy goes in this son of Benjamin Walter, my Cold Blooded Englishman, but he is able to “feel” your distress and listen empathetically. 

Funny– He’s funny, maybe too quick to tease you, more like LOL at you, even so, he’s definitely lots of fun.

Negotiator- All his other siblings would agree, he negotiates well for the things he wanted and thought he deserved as the middle child.

Laid back-Yes, very chill until deadlines are sitting on him taking his breath away. Now he’s directing his students. Now he’s painting the set. Now he’s getting the music and sound. Eventually, being una familia bien nice, we help him out a bit, just before he explodes.

Creative: Como madre culeca I’ll shout it on the mountain top, mi hijo es muy creativo. An artist, musician, writer, and director. God has given him wonderful talents that he uses for Gods glory.

Ambitious: Benjamin Emery has dreams, goals, and plans. He’s praying for personal  prosperity, and fruit. I think these days it’s called an influencer. He’s hoping, his beautiful wife is hoping, and we all are praying and believing that he will influence others to follow him as he follows Christ. 

He’s also competitive, a bit of a rebel, open minded and pretty independent, traits commonly found in the middle child. 

The middle child is capable of so much good, with all those good traits verdad? What’s your middle child like? So long as my son Ben stays on God’s narrow path, opens the door of his heart when Jesus knocks, he’s gonna keep doing well in life. At 27, he’s a good man, solid in his convictions and willing to be conformed by God for His purposes, que mas quiero?! But I do ask for more still. Today at the start of a new year, I’m asking God by his grace to continue the sanctification process in him, to teach him, train him and make him a strong influencer for his kingdom. 

Mil gracias Señor, for my middle child, bless his new year with your perfect plan. Amén.

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